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Online Placement Test
French / German / Spanish / Italian

Who should take this placement test:

  • you have been admitted or are currently enrolled at UCSD.
  • you have had previous study or exposure to the relevant language.

The purpose of this test is:

  • to help your college advisor to place you in the appropriate language course at UCSD.
  • to have follow-up discussion with an advisor or language coordinator, if necessary.

Time constraints

You will have 45 minutes to take the test. Make sure you have enough time to complete it, since you may take the test only once. However, if you can't submit your answers due to a technical problem, you will be able to start the test over.

How to register for and take the placement test:

1. Visit the placement test website. 2. Choose your language. 3. Fill out a background questionnaire. 4. Take the test.


It is now required  you will need a campus IP or VPN before clicking here to access the placement test:

Take the Placement Test

When you receive your placement, you need to enroll in the level you were placed into. You may not enroll in a lower level.


ASL / Arabic / Portuguese

American Sign Language (ASL)

Have you ever taken a course in ASL or had exposure to the language?

Yes: Contact the ASL Academic Coordinator - click for Contact Info

No: Enroll in LISL 1A/1AX (offered fall and spring) - Click for course info


Have you ever taken a course in Arabic or had exposure to the language?

Yes: Contact an Arabic Instructor - click for Contact Info

No: Enroll in LIAB 1A/1AX (offered fall only) - Click for course info


Have you ever taken a course in Portuguese or had exposure to the language?

Yes: Contact a Portuguese Instructor - click for Contact Info

No: Enroll in LIPO 1A/1AX (offered fall only) - Click for course info