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Portuguese (LIPO) Classes

First Year

Portuguese Year 1 Courses: 1A and 1AX 1st Quarter, 1B and 1BX 2nd Quarter, 1C and 1CX 3rd Quarter

Search for LIPO courses in the Schedule of Classes.

Second Year

Portuguese Year 2 Courses: 1D and 1DX 5th Quarter, 15, 16, and 17 optional intermediate classes

Search for LIPO courses in the Schedule of Classes.


The Conversation and Analysis sections are two halves of one course and need to be taken together.
Both are designed to immerse you in the language and give you a practical ability as quickly as possible.

Conversation Sections (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D)

Conversation (MWF) classes focus on vocabulary development, cultural knowledge, and speaking Portuguese.

Analysis Sections (1AX, 1BX, 1CX, 1DX)

Analysis (TuTh) classes focus on listening, reading, and learning how to analyze the Portuguese language and culture.

 Academic Calendar

Portuguese Calendar: Fall Quarter LIPO 1A and 1AX, 1D and 1DX, and 15 are offered. Winter Quarter LIPO 1B and 1BX and 16 are offered. Spring Quarter LIPO 1C and 1CX and 17 are offered. LIPO 15, 16, and 17 do not have to be taken in sequence.

Advanced Study

  • Linguistics/Portuguese (LIPO) 15/16/17. Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Conducted entirely in Portuguese. Course aims to improve oral language skills through discussions of social science topics in contemporary Brazil. Course materials may encompass televised news broadcasts, newspapers, and periodicals. Courses do not need to be taken in sequence. Prerequisites: LIPO 1D and 1DX or equivalent or by consent of the instructor.